Will You do what Your Grandmother Couldn't?

by Anné Klint
I love my grandmothers. Neither was warm and fuzzy (hello, attachment issues...) but they were both smart as a tack, quick-witted, opinionated and curious.
One hiked the Himalayas even though her doc warned her asthma might kill her. (It was the only time she ever wore long pants, preferring skirts no matter the weather.)
The other was a different kind of adventurer. After raising 8 kids, she studied psychodrama therapy. She sadly succumbed to chronic illness before seeing that dream to fruition.
They raised a gaggle of kids, stitched and bitched together in sewing circles and went along with what life in the 20th century had to offer women.
I am grateful for all they taught me and 1000% more grateful that I don't have to live their lives now.
I invite you in this moment to reflect for a moment on what your female ancestors may have experienced.
Mysogeny. Sexism.
Lack of bodily autonomy.
Bearing more children than their bodies could support.
Limited educational and professional opportunities.
Expectations of selfless service to others: over-giving in the name of "women's work."
And go back far enough and they were persecuted and murdered for doing their soul work.
In my case, both pairs of grandparents had lifelong marriages I wouldn't wish for anyone.
As consciousness has expanded over time, so have opportunities for women, thank the goddess!
Our grandmothers were raised in a culture that taught women to deny themselves, to sacrifice their wants and needs and dreams, to go along with societal and family expectations.
To which I hear y'all saying: Hellz to the No. We're done with that!
As I sit here in gratitude for all of the opportunities I have thanks to those spunky women, I still see the same oldy moldy generational patterns that have been passed down to me and you.
Things look a little different at the surface, but so many women, even women much younger than me, still struggle with:
saying NO (to family, friends, bosses)
saying YES (to yourself, your dreams and soul gifts)
prioritizing your own juicy play and pleasure
making space for life-affirming creative practices
perfectionism and a deep sense of not-good-enoughness
and feeling a need to perform in order to get love
If you've inherited this internal imperative for selfless (self-denying) service, you're not alone.
If you struggle with saying YES to YOU, your pleasure and your desires, you're not alone.
If you know your soul gifts want to emerge but fear that society isn't ready, that you'll be ridiculed, that you'll ultimately FAIL, you're not alone.
We are in a time of radical transition, evolving at an unheard-of pace. And mark my words, this evolution is leading to LIBERATION. Not just for women, but for everyone.
In honor of those who came before you, will you do it? Will you liberate yourself (finally)?
Live your life wholly and unapologetically? Show up exactly as you are? Be bold, audacious and inspire everyone in your orbit to do the same?
Will you do what your grandmother couldn't?
Will you love who and how and what she couldn't?
Will you grow and expand more than she was allowed to?
Let's light this baby up. Let's Liberate together.
Big Liberated Love,
Anné Klint
photo by Annie Spratt at Unsplash