Green Witch

c. 2024, Susun Weed

The first modern goddess conference took place in 1975 in Boston, and I was there. It changed my life. It set me firmly on my path, as a goddess-lover, as a witch, as an herbalist.
I could hardly believe it. There were enough other women interested in the goddess to have a conference; several hundred in fact. Amazing.
The women whose words had opened the goddess gates to me were there. The women whose books supported my belief in the goddess were there. I was thrilled to my toes to see them in person.
Carol Christ — Rebirth of the Goddess
Mary Daly — Beyond God the Father
Max Dashu — Suppressed Herstory Archives
Monica Sjoo — The Great Cosmic Mother
Charlene Spretnack — Lost Goddesses of Ancient Greece
Merlin Stone — When God Was a Woman
ZBudapest — Feminist Book of Lights and Shadows
But not thrilled to see how they were eating. To me, the goddess was not a remote academic idea, but a living presence. A presence that imbued everything in my life and animated it all. The goddess doesn't have any food "rules," nonetheless, it seemed then, and still seems now, to be more her "way" to eat real food instead of ultra-processed food.
And I had a lot of time to observe my cherished goddess sisters eating since I wasn't. By the time my ticket to the conference was paid for and my gas tank was filled, it was obvious I couldn't afford to eat more than one meal a day while at the conference. Their food choices shook me up. And I vowed to bring green blessings to the goddess movement. A clear choice. A clear path. Green the goddess.
The very next year, ZBudapest came to Woodstock. And initiated me as a witch. Ten years later, she initiated me as a high priestess: Lady Iona. And I began to initiate witches, not just witches, but green witches. (By special request, I have initiated red witches, rainbow witches, and even one purple witch.) I still do it.
My definition of a green witch is this: "A witch is a woman whose life is her art. A green witch's art is the wise use of the green."
The term green witch has been popularized and is in current usage in the goddess community, often defined as "a witch who uses plant magic." Though I did find this interesting explanation for green witches: "In the Salem witch trials, suspects were given henbane, a hallucinogenic that turned their skin green, to extract confessions."
I offer at least two green witch initiation opportunities every year: in July and August. This year I offered a third opportunity to the women at my immersion in Wisconsin. And eighteen women, including my granddaughter, took me up on my offer.
Next month there will be another opportunity at the Green Goddess Week. I have heard from many women who want to be initiated then, but can't commit for a week. I hear you. This year I will open the ceremony to women who can only spare two days. The Green Goddess Weekend.
Arrive Saturday morning. Enjoy a day of green blessings and fantastic food. Give your goddess presentation. Awaken Sunday. Gussy up. Participate in a high magic ritual where you may choose to be initiated. Go home right after lunch.
You are also welcome to come in on Friday evening at 5:30 to eat dinner with us, participate in the moonlodge and spend the night at no extra charge.
I hope you can join me.
Let us walk in beauty, our hearts beating as one with the heartbeat of the earth, our breath a giveaway dance with the plants.
Green blessings — and green witches — are everywhere.