
by Susun S Weed
I've been grappling for many days to find the best way to speak my mind about your desire to analyze herbs for specific nutrients.

It seems so straight forward and simple. You want to help people believe in herbs by offering hard scientific facts.
But I don't believe that scientific analysis will be able to show us how nourishing herbal infusions nourish and create abundant health. I did, for a while, decades ago. Now I know better. Now I know deeper, more thoroughly, how nutrients move from one form to another — in this case, from plants to humans. Now I can tell you — in one word — why I don't believe analysis is helpful: Synergy.
We can measure calcium, but calcium isn't one thing. It occurs in many forms. And these forms are additive: the more forms of calcium we consume, the greater the absorption and utilization.
Supplements are notoriously poorly utilized because they are usually only one form.
A nutrient chemist once said I was wrong to say the nutrients in nettle should be considered as ten times greater than their measured amounts. "It's more like 100 times greater, due to synergy."
The synergist effects of multiple forms of one mineral, added to multiple forms of another mineral which is synergistic with the first mineral, plus polyphenols, catechins, tannins, vitamins . . .
Healthy organisms are subtle, complex, and in synergistic relationships. Optimum nourishment is subtle, complex, and synergistic.
It's the forest, not the trees. We can count trees. We can't count the millions of interactions that make up a healthy forest. Synergy.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Synergy.
You can't tell time by taking the watch apart. Synergy.
It's the journey, not the goal. Synergy.
Earthbeat heartbeat.
Breathe out gratitude. Inhale joy.
Beauty without.
Beauty within.
Loving green blessings.