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Motherline Medicine ~ Mitochondria

Writer's picture: Susun WeedSusun Weed

From my willingness to know nothing, a new knowing arises.

We continue looking back at "Healing Wise" and my defining statements about the Wise Woman Tradition. We continue following the trail of breadcrumbs I left for myself should I ever find my self wondering which way to go, should I ever feel lost. We continue revealing Motherline Medicine. (All quotes are from "Healing Wise")

"She speaks in a smile, in a song, in a dance."

The Wise Woman Tradition, I explained, is non-binary, invisible, nourishing, and empty. What else is it? "As you travel the invisible ways of the wise woman, know that the Ancient ones offer you safe journey. You are whole/holy/healthy."

The Wise Woman Tradition is represented by a SPIRAL. A circle moving through time. A swirling galaxy. Boundless. Healing in every turn. Not linear, but cycling. Wholeness ever changing. Not fixed, not stuck, but flowing.

"Walk a spiral and you will inevitably come to the unique next step, the unknown, the thirteenth step, the opportunity for change, the window of transformation."

Shimmering and sparking with spirit life: Motherline Medicine spirals into being.

The Wise Woman Tradition is WOMAN-CENTERED.

"Everything is perceived as manifesting from the female center, from female power."

Motherline Medicine goes deeper. It identifies the source of this female power as the MITOCHONDRIA.

Mitochondria are unique organelles with their own DNA. Mitochondria are passed to each child only from the mother, from the motherline. Present in nearly all types of human cell, mitochondria are vital to survival. They generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the body. Muscle cells contain many mitochondria, so do liver, the kidney, and brain cells. Mitochondria are the masterminds of the immune system. They are critical to respiration. Further, they "generate clusters of iron and sulfur, which are important cofactors for the production of many enzymes."

Motherline Medicine is the motherline. The motherline is mitochondria. Man or woman, or neither, or both, your mitochondria are from your mother; they are your motherline.

We all come from the mother. We all carry our own motherline in every cell. So do plants.

The Wise Woman Tradition reminds us of the female power of bleeding without dying. It centers us in the womb space. Moon lodge. Red tent. Maiden, Mother, Crone. She awaits her bleeding times. She cycles with the moon, building, shedding, birthing. She holds her WISE BLOOD inside. "Holy blood, power blood, healing blood." No sacrifice. The blood of life, not the blood of war.

"The Wise Woman Tradition is a bloody-handed woman, a bloody-thighed woman, a woman who gives birth, a woman who sees into the other side of things."

Motherline Medicine is born, as we all are, in blood. It invites us to return to blood mysteries, to awaken reverence for the Great Mother of All, to remember our motherline coursing through our blood. Motherline Medicine connects our blood to the bloodless, sappy plants, mitochondria to mitochondria.

These are the abilities of the Motherline herbalist:

"These are the natural powers of menstruating, menopausal, and post-menopausal women:

Oneness with the earth as a responsive nourishing presence

Communication with all other beings including plants, devas, fairies, elves, dragons

Shape shifting

Weather making



Heightened senses


So mote it be.

May it be in beauty.

May it be a giveaway.

May it be in synchrony.

Green blessings abound.

There are no mistakes.

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