Q&A with Susun
Archive of Q & A clips from blogtalkradio

Leaky heart valves
A caller says she had an echo cardiogram and was told she has leaky valves. She would like to know what herbs could help. Susun starts by saying Hawthorne. She mentions her Healthy heart course on wws. She talks about tincture of berries and infusion of hawthorne leaf and berry. She explains further about the 7 medicines.

Lack of sleep in menopause
A caller on blogtalkradio says she would like to know about herbs to help her sleep. Susun asks her age, and says that this is part of menopause. She explains why this happens and mentions that there is info on this in New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way. She also talks about Nourishing herbal infusions.
This audio is just over 5:00 minutes long.

Caffeine addiction
An email question is read about drinking black tea or coffee and what constitutes abuse or addiction.
Susun suggests not having the tea or coffee and seeing how they feel. If they feel awful then there's a dependancy. She also suggests switching to nourishing herbal infusions.
This audio is almost 3 minutes long.