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Susuns Wisdom

Archive of articles by Susun Weed

Foods that Lower Blood Pressure

Foods that Lower Blood Pressure

Excerpt from Susun's online course: 
A Healthy Heart, the Wise Woman Way

Blood Mysteries

Blood Mysteries

by Susun Weed
In the beginning, according to the Wise Woman tradition, everything began, as everything does, at birth.

The Malvaceae or mallow family

The Malvaceae or mallow family

I like to stay at home and watch my flowers bloom. And I also like to travel and see other flowers.

Chickweed Is A Star

Chickweed Is A Star

Snowdrops and crocus flowers herald the spring ...

Bladder Infections

Bladder Infections

If you let that fiery wise blood just sit there in your belly, great granddaughter,” admonishes Grandmother Growth, “you'll get the urge to quench that heat.

Taking Hormones? These Herbs Are for You

Taking Hormones? These Herbs Are for You

More and more American women are using herbal remedies to help them with menopausal problems.

You Can Have a Green Ally!

You Can Have a Green Ally!

Herbal medicine is people's medicine. So why don't more people use it?



Hawthorn's ability to slowly lower blood pressure is well documented, although the mechanism of its action is unclear.

Fatigue and Mood Changes

Fatigue and Mood Changes

Hormonal changes, emotional changes, physical changes, and all the attendant stresses of pregnancy may cause extreme fatigue and emotional swings, especially during the last trimester.

Herbal and Home Remedies That Prevent Memory Loss

Herbal and Home Remedies That Prevent Memory Loss

Even a single family member who is senile or afflicted with Alzheimer's is enough to make anyone dread the possibility. Since women have always lived longer than men, the Ancient Grandmothers have a thing or two to tell us about how to keep our memory sharp until the day we die (at 100+).

Foods that Lower Blood Pressure

Foods that Lower Blood Pressure

Fruits: apple, banana, blueberry, cranberry, fig, grape, orange, pomegranate.

Achieve Instant Calm - The Wise Woman Way

Achieve Instant Calm - The Wise Woman Way

* Unfreeze yourself: Curl up in a fetal position (on your side with knees drawn up), breathe deeply, and hum. You may want to rock back and forth. Concentrate on what feelings want to emerge. Do not be surprised if grief is what you are really feeling.

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